The Easy Way to Create an Electronic Signature

There are many benefits to using electronic signatures, the first and most obvious being that they are faster, easier, and more efficient than a handwritten signature. You can securely and legally sign an electronic document without having to print it, sign it, and scan it back in.  They also help reduce the risk of fraud,…


The Ultimate Guide to Electronic Document Storage Solutions

According to Forbes, by 2025, there will be more than 100 zettabytes of data stored in the cloud. That’s a lot of data! And it’s why cloud storage solutions are becoming more and more necessary. If you’re keeping a lot of documents in the cloud, you need a versatile and robust storage tool in  your…


The Only Way to Share Documents Online

If you’re like most professionals, you’re constantly inundated with requests for access to your documents. You probably have a long list of people you need to grant access to, and it can be a time-consuming process to track down the right document and send it to the right person. But what if there was an…


3 Document Productivity Tools That Will Save You Time

Technology has come a long way in a short time, and the number of document productivity tools available only serves to emphasize that statement.  Gone are the days of storing physical copies of paper files in metal filing cabinets, needing to spend hours every day filing papers by hand, and having to take hours to…


3 Requirements to Follow for Federal Record Storage

When it comes to records management, federal government entities have obligations above and beyond standard businesses. For example, they are required to follow specific United States laws and regulations pertaining to federal record storage.  The full scope of regulations pertaining to federal record storage is quite sizable. It is detailed in full in Title 36,…


Digital Signature vs Electronic Signature: What’s the Difference?

Have you ever been asked to provide a digital or electronic signature on an e-document? If so, you may have assumed that there was no difference between a digital signature vs an electronic signature. However, the terms are not interchangeable, and you should know the important differences between the two. What is the difference between…


5 Best Practices for Government Document Scanning

For nearly 30 years, the U.S. government has been focused on reducing the amount of paper used across various agencies. The introduction of initiatives such as the “Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995” and the “Transition to Electronic Records” directive of 2019 has led to increased emphasis on electronic recordkeeping and storage. The goal is to…


3 Things You Can’t Do to Email Large Files

Did you know that the average U.S. professional wastes about an hour of their day with email-related activity? That’s a lot of time over one year! Common time-wasters are over-checking the inbox, re-reading the same messages trying to figure out the correct response, or figuring out how to email large files. While we can’t solve…


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